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How it all began

Way back in 2010, on my 4th birthday, my dad and grandma gave me a shoebox of LEGO® from my dad's childhood. Little did they know what they had done. I got hooked. Like absolutely hooked. After that, I was gifted sets like the City Corner and the Apple Tree House. This is what led to my creation of a very primitive and very rainbow LEGO® city. Soon enough, I started taking apart my sets and making my own buildings. This is what started my passion for making custom MOCs (my own creation) out of LEGO® . Soon enough, I was growing my LEGO® city and collection into a whole lot more than a shoebox. In the 8th grade I built my first model of a real world house, being my own. Then 2020 came, and I found myself with arguably too much time to build. This led me to create a detailed model of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater located near my hometown of Pittsburgh. In December of 2021, I was required to do a culminating project for the IB program at my high school. This ultimately led to the creation of HCHM, which has grown rapidly since then.







Our Staff

Henry Ginsburg

Founder and Owner

Henry is the founder of Henry's Custom Home Models. He designs all of the houses and meets with clients. As a Freshman in college, he keeps busy by running, being a summer camp counselor, and many other activities. His passion for LEGO began 14 years ago at the age of 4. Now 18, he started HCHM as a school project in 2021. Henry loves to design and has a passion for running his own business. 


Kathy Ginsburg

CMO and COO (Chief Mom Officer and Chief Operations Manager)

A former school teacher and librarian, Kathy has long been good at connecting with people. She currently serves as the Chief Mom Officer, arguably the most important job in the company. She also handles all of the physical operations of the business out of the Pittsburgh area.




Lauren Ginsburg

Packaging and Design

Lauren is a passionate artist who has been working with Henry to flesh out the looks of his product. Currently Junior in high school, Lauren is a competitive swimmer. She helps Henry by building and disassembling houses to assure that you get a quality experience. Then, she packages up your house and sends it off to you. 


Howard Ginsburg

CFO (Chief Father Officer and Chief Financial Officer)

Howard has been building with LEGO since his childhood. Having worked with banking companies, he runs the financials of HCHM. Howard works in IT and also helps with the software and technology that HCHM uses. In addition to working for HCHM, he enjoys running, craft beer, and hiking.

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